Slang for Girlfriend

Welcome to the Slangpedia entry on “girlfriend”!👩👩🏿👩🏼👱🏾‍♀️

Taking a journey through the vibrant lexicon surrounding relationships and affections? For both avid writers and conversationalists, understanding the slang terms, words, and their meanings related to “gal”, “missus”, or “better half” offers a fresh perspective. Without further ado, here’s our extensive guide to slang terms for ‘girlfriend’, complemented by related phrases and colloquialisms celebrating romantic bonds:


Meaning: An abbreviation of babe or baby.

Usage: “I’m hanging out with my bae tonight.”

Origin: Shortened version of “baby” or “babe.” Popularized through music and social media in the 2010s.


  • Meaning: Boyfriend or girlfriend; someone deeply cared about.
  • Usage: “That’s my boo you’re talking to!”
  • Origin: Possibly derived from the French word “beau”, meaning beautiful. Its modern usage was popularized in U.S. music and culture.


  • Meaning: Acronym for girlfriend.
  • Usage: “My GF and I are going out tonight.”
  • Origin: An abbreviation formed from the words “Girl Friend.”


  • Meaning: Derived from the noun “wife”; a girlfriend you intend or hope to marry.
  • Usage: “She’s not just my girl, she’s my wifey.”
  • Origin: A colloquial abbreviation of “wife,” signifying deep commitment.


  • Meaning: Affectionate term for a girlfriend.
  • Usage: “I’m taking my shorty out tonight.”
  • Origin: Originally referred to a young male in hip-hop culture, but evolved into an affectionate term for a significant other.

My Girl

  • Meaning: Synonym for girlfriend.
  • Usage: “Kendal is my girl.”
  • Origin: Informal possessive term indicating relationship status.

Squeeze / Main Squeeze

  • Meaning: Refers to a significant other or main partner.
  • Usage: “She’s been my main squeeze for years.”
  • Origin: Casual term, possibly originating from the act of “squeezing” or holding someone closely.


  • Meaning: Refers to a girlfriend or sometimes a casual female acquaintance.
  • Usage: “I’m meeting up with a ladyfriend later.”
  • Origin: A term that implies a more mature or adult relationship than “girlfriend.”


  • Meaning: Slang abbreviation of “girlfriend.”
  • Usage: “Hanging out with my girlfy later!”
  • Origin: A playful abbreviation of “girlfriend.”


  • Meaning: Synonym for boyfriend/girlfriend, used for gender neutrality.
  • Usage: “Are you and your personfriend going out tonight?”
  • Origin: A neutral term emerging from LGBTQ+ communities and those avoiding gendered terms.

My Better Half

  • Meaning: Girlfriend/boyfriend or spouse.
  • Usage: “I’m treating my better half to dinner tonight.”
  • Origin: Suggesting that one’s partner complements or completes them.

Old Lady

  • Meaning: Girlfriend or wife; sometimes a mother in specific cultures.
  • Usage: “My old lady’s waiting for me at home.”
  • Origin: A colloquial term used in certain cultures and regions.


  • Meaning: A girlfriend of a married mobster; not his wife.
  • Usage: “Every mobster seems to have a goomar on the side.”
  • Origin: Derived from the Italian “comare,” meaning “godmother” or “second mother.”


  • Meaning: Spanish slang for girlfriend.
  • Usage: “She’s my rucca.”
  • Origin: Chicano slang, derived from Spanish.


  • Meaning: Spanish slang for girlfriend.
  • Usage: “Mi mora is the best.”
  • Origin: From Spanish, possibly derived from “amor” or “love.”


  • Meaning: Acronym for “long-term relationship.”
  • Usage: “We’re in an LTR now.”
  • Origin: Abbreviation formed from the words “Long Term Relationship.”


  • Meaning: Acronym for “love of my life.”
  • Usage: “She’s the LOML!”
  • Origin: Abbreviation formed from the words “Love Of My Life.”

Here is also a list of cute nicknames (pet names) or terms of endearment for girlfriends, with a brief overview of the origin:

  • Hunny / Honey: Derived from the sweet substance honey; symbolizes sweetness.
  • Sweetie: Derived from the word “sweet”, symbolizing someone who is dear and pleasant.
  • Pumpkin / punkin: From the fruit pumpkin, often used as a playful term of endearment.
  • Cupcake: Named after the sweet treat, suggesting someone is as delightful as a dessert.
  • Princess: Refers to royalty, indicating someone who is treated with high regard.
  • My love: A straightforward term indicating deep affection and love.
  • Sweet pea: Named after the flower “sweet pea”, denoting someone as delicate and lovely.
  • Dearest: From the word “dear”, symbolizing value and importance.
  • Cutie: Derived from “cute”, indicating someone is endearing.
  • Sunshine: Symbolizes someone who brightens your day, like the sun.
  • Pookie: Of uncertain origin, but has been used in pop culture and media.
  • Baby girl: Indicates someone is as cherished as a child or daughter.
  • Babykins: Combines “baby” with the diminutive suffix “-kins”.
  • Sweetie pie: Combines “sweetie” with “pie”, another term indicating sweetness.
  • Kitten: Refers to the young of cats, symbolizing cuteness and playfulness.
  • Boo boo: Likely derived from the term “boo”, used for loved ones.
  • Baby love: Combines “baby” and “love”, two common terms of endearment.
  • Baby cakes: Combines “baby” and “cakes”, indicating someone as sweet as dessert.
  • Pebbles: Possibly derived from the character “Pebbles” from The Flintstones.
  • Honeybunny: Combines “honey” and “bunny”, both terms of endearment.
  • Bambi: Derived from the Disney character, a young deer symbolizing innocence.
  • Peaches: Directly named after the fruit, symbolizing sweetness.
  • Boopsky: Unknown, possibly a playful alteration of other “boo” terms.
  • Boo thing / Boo-thang: Variation of “boo”, combined with “thing” for a laid-back feel.
  • Boo boo kitty: Extension of “boo boo”, with “kitty” added for extra playfulness.
  • Boo friend: Combines “boo”, a term of endearment, with “friend”.
  • Bookie bear: Likely a playful variation of “boo” combined with “bear”.
  • Sweetkins: Derived from “sweet”, with the playful suffix “-kins”.
  • Baboo: Likely a variation of “baby” with a twist.
  • Cutieboo: Merges two common terms of endearment, “cutie” and “boo”.
  • Binky boo: Unknown, but “binky” can refer to a pacifier and “boo” is a term of endearment.
  • Hunny pants: Combines “hunny” with “pants”, likely for added playfulness.
  • Sugar muffin: Combines “sugar”, denoting sweetness, with “muffin”, a term of endearment.
  • Boomba: Of uncertain origin, possibly a made-up playful term.
  • Booberry: Likely a playful combination of “boo” and “berry”.
  • Cuddlemuffin: Combines “cuddle”, the act of holding someone close, with “muffin”, a term of endearment.
  • Cheesemuffin: A fun twist on “muffin”, with “cheese” likely added for extra quirkiness.

That’s it for our list of slang phrases for “girlfriend” and nicknames. We hope you’ve found this compilation enlightening. While the world of slang is ever-evolving, these terms have stood the test of time and are universally recognized. If you think we’ve missed any synonyms for “girlfriend”, do let us know in the comments below. Keep expanding your vocabulary!👍😊

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